Rock out
16 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting, comical, and dramatic can be easily described for Rocking Popguine. It's a very attention grabbing movie in my opinion. The movie allows you to see the influence of the French culture in this town and the importance of it. French education and language was portrayed as being superior. The main character, Bacc, the little boy being raised by the community because his mother left him and ran away to France significance how the culture pulls together to raise the children of the future. Colonialism is often viewed as a bad thing. But in this movie it showed both the good and bad effect it had on the people. It was interesting to see that only French education such as French history was being taught in this little town of Africa. It struck out to me when the "grandmother" told Bacc to create African history and make her proud, to write the history of Africa. The African way of life was being integrated with the American and French traditions and culture. The youth loved to learn the French ways, but the elder generation had a hard time excepting the French ways. It was very interesting to see that these kids wanted to be associated with the French or even American culture rather than their own. Speaking French, listening to French music, deciding their own names based on rock stars.

Another problem that was displayed in the movie is how the teacher, Mr. Beniot had a problem with himself. He felt as if he belonged to nowhere. He felt as if he was an alien to France, his home country and to Africa, where he spent most of his time. This conflict showed how he battled the idea of where home was for him, liking things of both French and African culture.

It was interesting to see how the children from the movie had two names. The name that they were born with and the French or American name they choose in school. Some children even picked a name off of famous rockstars. The children prefer to go by the names they had picked their own self over the names that were given to them by their families. Music had a great impact on the children in the movie. The "Ins" are influenced by French pop music while the "kings" were influenced by American pop music. It was interesting to see how the rivalry was caused because one group had the girls but no disc player while the other group had the disc player but no girls.

I know this movie was not provided a large amount of money to keep up with Hollywood but I would still have to say that it was such a good movie despite that. It was cool, it was fun and best of all it was humorous. Overall what I gained from this movie was how much French culture was incorporated into Africa. The comedy helped earn its points as well.
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