The Borgias (2011–2013)
Pretty, but Disappointing
15 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am giving this show 6 out of 10 stars because it *is* a visually striking example of entertainment, and even I consider it to be an entertaining series. However, it has been falsely marketed to viewers, since before the beginning. First off, it is not very historically accurate, which wouldn't be so much of a problem, as so many films and television shows depicting actual historic events and people forsake the facts for dramatic purposes. The problem here is that, again, almost from the beginning, we are lured into watching, believing that we what will be getting is a more factual portrayal of one of history's most notorious families. That is false. We are being given nothing more than typical Hollywood fare, with characters dressed in pretty costumes, sets that are visually pleasing, and situations glossed over in favour of the sexual or titillating. Even in that, though, the show does not deliver.

Character development is deplorable, and once more falls into making each nothing but a tired cliché, from the emotional tormented heart-throb as one of the lead characters, to the innocent and cutely childish lead female. However, while Francois Arnaud still manages to convey a subtle intensity that one imagines the actual Cesare Borgia to have possessed, poor Holiday Grainger makes Lucrezia Borgia seem almost mentally challenged in her over-the-top childishness and unbelievable sickeningly sweetness. Even her attempts to portray a tad of feminine manipulation seemed unnatural and forced, but then again it isn't all her fault, as much of the writing is left to be desired.

Speaking of the writing, it really is atrocious and I am at a loss in trying to understand how any of the people who were hired to write this got the job in the first place. One mistake they seem to have made is to change around many actual known historic facts, such as the birth order of the oldest Borgia male children, and the family relationship between Ludovico Sforza and Cardinal Ascanio Sforza. Again, changes such as these would be completely understandable had they anything whatsoever to do with the overall plot and story, but ultimately, these changes serve absolutely no purpose at all and would have served the same purpose, which is nothing, had they not been changed.

Another mistake was to have brought in the character of Niccolò Machiavelli. Historically, Machiavelli would not have entered into the picture until much later, but again, this can be brushed aside in favour of dramatics. The issue is that they try so hard to convey a sense of intellect and wit about him, and utterly fail in his portrayal and especially his dialogue. It's as though none of the script writers possess any sort of marked intelligence themselves so have no idea how to write a character that does, except to just say that he is, in the most uninspiring, brusque manner.

My last example goes back to my earlier statement of false marketing. Anyone who is familiar with the Borgia history will also be aware of the notorious rumours of incest that still persist to this day. Neil Jordan and Showtime are milking those rumours for all they are worth with the promo shots and photos showing the characters of Lucrezia and Cesare posing in a variety of un-sibling-like poses, teasing viewers with the idea of an incestuous bond. Nothing like that actually occurs in the show at all, and Neil Jordan himself has said in at least one interview that the siblings are not incestuous. However, they still seem to be profiting by manipulating viewers with the possibility of watching something lurid and forbidden.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an hour of mindless historical drama once a week, or looking for a bit of bare ass, you'll probably give The Borgias 10 out 10 stars. However, if you're looking for something that might teach you a little history, or are expecting to get some intelligent political tension, you will be sorely, sorely disappointed. It's fluff, plain and simple.
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