Influence of American and French cultures in Senegal
15 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In the movie Ça Twiste à Popenguine, Absa shows us the way American and French cultures are greatly influenced in Popenguine, Senegal. It is almost as a way of the youth in this movie is being greatly colonized. There are two ways they are being colonized which are American or French, this is seen throughout the film and can easily be recognized. Johnny Hallyday was one of the many characters that you could see this in. It was as if they portrayed two characters their whole lives. Johnny would act different around different surroundings, such as when he was in school he would be known by one name and speak French thanks to his teacher Mr. Benoit. In other surroundings such as the Wolof community they would speak their own slang of French. Mr. Benoit was also made as an influence of just the French culture to the natives through his teachings. He would not allow any of his students to speak any other language besides French in his classroom. If any were caught, which there were, they would be punished by being spanked. Absa also showed the influences with the teens having their own little groups. The Kings were the group who had the record player and always wanted girls. The Inseparables had girls and were always trying to make money. You could also see the difference between the two groups, as well as the teens from the older people in the tribe. The older people stuck with tribal ways of clothing and language which Absa showed, to where the teens were always wearing French or American styled clothing.

Moussa Sene Absa even tried to make it easy for one to understand through the music in the background in some parts of the movie. It would either be America rock and roll, or your French pop music. This added to why the characters had names named after their favorite musicians. I believe the director was trying to tell us that the there is a huge influence and colonization is real, and its more so happening with the younger people in Africa.
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