Highly recommended. Don't be put off by the negative reviews. Satisfying story on various levels.
10 May 2011
This is an awesome film. Some reviewers have criticised the sets but I thought they were superb. The story of the film bears very little resemblance to the original fairy tale. Or perhaps I should say that in this version the original has been very considerably 'fleshed out'.

In some ways I feel the narrative of Red Riding Hood is very much a story for our time. At times I felt I was seeing parallels with things currently of concern - especially to western societies. I'm thinking in particular about such things as religious zealotry (in certain individuals) and paranoia (in the general population) concerning external and internal enemies. (As for instance in the current 'war on terror').

There are elements of several genres - not just those of fantasy or supernatural. There is a love story, but it is a psychologically complex one, and it is brilliantly intertwined with an over-arching tragedy of (to me) almost Shakespearian proportions.

I'm not usually keen on films having supernatural or fantasy elements. In this film, however, the fantasy element (the werewolf) could arguably be considered as representing the embodiment of every individual's fear. In any case the depiction of this werewolf is far more 'real' than I believe the werewolves in the Twilight series of films to have been (though I've only seen one of those - which I can now barely recall).

Amanda Seyfried is well cast in the lead role. All the other actors and actresses play their parts with appropriate conviction.

If you enjoy a suspenseful film (and are prepared to have your disbelief suspended for an hour and a half) I feel sure you will not be disappointed by this film. I thoroughly recommend this - even if you normally shun werewolf films.
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