Bringing Home Baby (2005–2009)
3 Dogs and a Baby
9 May 2011
During the filming, I was so upset at the hospital because they made me leave my son there overnight and I had to go home because he wasn't urinating. As I was leaving and before they rolled him away, I whispered in his ear and told him to urinate on a nurse because they were making me leave him there. What do you know... he did just as I asked. Amazing, only a few days old and already so obedient. I can't believe how overweight I was. I love how emotional my mother gets when she talks about how her daughter having a baby reminds her of the times she had her children (love you mom). I wish my father had more lines in this episode since he is so wise and awesome. I also wish my 2 other sisters could've been there. The camera crew was so nice, but when they were filming us all night it got a bit annoying. Although I am so glad I allowed them into our home to capture it all for us. I especially enjoyed the scenes that show my mother cooking; she is the best! After this experience, I strongly urge any pregnant woman to take Bradley classes. We took them with our second child, a daughter, and I was able to enjoy a completely natural birth; no drugs. Natural is WAY better than cesarean. If you've already had a c-section, don't believe anyone who says you can't give birth natural... YES YOU CAN! It's called a VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean) and it's much safer than having a second c-section (watch "The Business of Being Born"). I hope I can appear on TV again in the future, maybe in a Kendricks Brothers film :-). Anyone can watch this episode at
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