The Hit List (2011)
5 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Garbola! Total Garbage! Cuba is sinking! someone save him! Or at least throw him a better script next time!....

MASSIVE WASTE OF 1hr 40mins of my life, that I will never get back! You would have more fun watching paint dry than watching this movie!

I cannot write ten lines for this movie, because its so garbage

Here's my best shot at describing it.

1. two guys meets in a bar and one gives him a list of people he wants killed thinking its a joke.

2. the 5th person on the list gets killed, the police blame the innocent guy and you begin falling asleep.

3. the 4th person gets killed and they figure out that the innocent guy might have an accomplice but you don't care because you've already figured out the entire plot.

Somewhere around this point Cuba's Character Jonas mention how he fast forwards peoples lives to the end by killing them. It is at this point in the movie that you should fast forward it to the end and go do something better with your life, like watching paint dry.

thank you
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