Naked Lunch (1991)
Extremely interesting, but sometimes boring
3 May 2011
When I saw "Naked Lunch", I was left with a feeling that I love to have after watching a movie: Every inch of my body was screaming "What the F- ?". Unfortunately, during the movie, it was a mixture of "What the F-" and *yawn*.

Even with the extremely interesting, puzzling, abstract and meaningful imagery, the movie is very slow at parts. Fortunately, every time I thought I was about to lose interest, something happened that grabbed me again.

The plot is very weird and hard to follow at times, and by the end of the movie I've got to admit that I had about 30% of the whole thing figured out. Which isn't much now, is it? But (for me, at least) part of the fun of solving these types of movies, is the following investigation and discussion with other viewers. So, after watching this movie and finding out it was based on a very personal novel by William Burroughs, I looked up some information about him. Let's just say, if you're going to watch this movie and don't know anything about William Burroughs, check up some information about him first, I was disappointed I didn't do this before watching the movie, because, the meaning and my appreciation for the movie skyrocketed after reading about him. When I say "based on a personal novel", I mean really personal.

The actors do a good job overall, although none of them really stand out from one-another. Music was pretty good and jazzy, which is always a plus! And this movie screams "jazz" all over. Photography is good, although also a bit boring at times, and very dark, which I'm pretty sure was on purpose, due to the main theme of the movie. Visual effects are great. Puppetry is amazingly well done (movies nowadays need more of this instead of CGI), provocative, often disgusting.

Overall, it's a very good movie that can be very interesting and thought provocative and (unfortunately) very boring at times.

7 out of 10.
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