Meet the Browns (2009–2012)
Meet The Browns
2 May 2011
I met the browns alright, when I got off the commode. Perry just says just put faith in god and he will make it better, well depending on god I think he lost faith a long time AGO. Lets face it the more I watch this crap, the more my head hurts and yes it literally hurts bad. How on earth can this be considered entertainment when a strange bald headed gorilla highlighter and his gray haired daughter (who by the way is the actor's wife, don't want to know what they do at night)are constantly acting like idiots? I just can't tell it because it freaking makes me sick. Another thing, his nephew and niece in law are as boring as they can get especially the girl who plays their daughter. The first girl I guess wasn't boring enough so he got the most blandest actress I've ever seen in my life and guess what, neither one of them can ACT. I bet when Jesus watches this show he literally just pukes and says "forget it this show ain't worth me dying for the sins of no man, I need some holy water for my sight to wash this crap induced show out my in the name of myself". Just one Heep of warning, This show will take your soul and beat it, stomp it, and slap it in the name of Jesus then say in Jesus name amen then send you to hell. P.S. This show sucks my dew dew crack.
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