Truly original satanic film.
1 May 2011
Sometimes a movie comes by and smacks you in face so hard you're view of film and your reasons for loving film change completely. Don't Deliver Us From Evil made me feel how I felt when I first watched Clockwork Orange or The Shinning. So much power and beauty delivered in the most perfect way it stops your heart.

DDUFE is not beautiful in the traditional way Kubric films or Wes Anderson films are beautiful. It is not a beauty based on a sill photo but based on the moving picture. The vision of bodies moving through space. Really what movies should be about. This is extremely hard to achieve in my opinion as I have only seen a few movies that truly accomplish it. To me DDUFE is the ultimate perfection of this. Warning though this is truly "only a movie for the open minded!" Two best friends in catholic school, Lore and Anne, have dedicated their lives to Satan. They spend the summer reading dirty books, killing small animals, seducing the gardener and setting fires. They marry under the name of Satan and steal church artifacts for Satanic rituals. This escalates further and further to an ending that will leave your jaw on the floor.

It's a very simple concept that is executed with an artists hand and a beautiful classical score that will make you want to kill kittens.

This movie is dedicated to the depraved. It promotes violence, sex, and Satan in an extremely compelling way. It is the ultimate peer pressure for little girls to behave badly. The movie itself is so dark and morbid and beautiful it feels as if it was sent from hell.

To truly enjoy this movie you must love depravity. To truly enjoy this movie you must cherish violence and savor death. To love this movie you have to be ready to witness the ultimate love between two girls and Satan.
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