Review of Airwolf

Airwolf (1984 TV Movie)
Really packs quite an emotional wallop for a TV pilot episode.
22 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Ironic plot line to this pilot considering what's happening in Libya right now!

Must say this opening pilot episode packs quite an emotional wallop and it's actually much more of a character film and romance than helicopter action that the series would become. Stringfellow is a real man's man.


I think the ease with which Santini and Stringfellow steal Airwolf from the Libyans is a bit silly. When String is playing his cello at the end following his tragic loss I couldn't help but shed a small tear with him, especially when the eagle appears. Really quite emotional for a TV pilot about a super powered helicopter. Did make me wonder though why String spent so long shooting the Libyans when he first got hold of Airwolf. Those few extra minutes might've meant saving his lady's life...
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