Rigoletto (1987)
One of my favourite opera films
18 April 2011
I have been a huge fan of opera and classical music since a very early age. And I love Rigoletto, it has a fine story with wonderfully rendered characters. And of course, you can't talk of Rigoletto without mentioning Verdi's music, as is always the case with Verdi, it is outstanding. And this is not just "La Donna e mobile", Gilda's "Caro Nome" and the Quartet, the three best known bits.

I don't know about anybody else, but my personal favourite aria is Duke of Mantua's "Ella mi fu rapita...parmi veder Le lagrime", not just for the energetic start but then with the wonderfully lyrical and poignant second half of the aria, which for me shows that although the Duke is ruthless and a bit of a scoundrel he also has genuine feelings for Gilda. Another favourite is "Si vendetta, tremenda vendetta" which is so powerful when sung really well, the case here, like with Rigoletto's superb Cortigiani.

This 1982 film from Jean Pierre Ponelle is one of my favourite opera films ever, and I have seen a lot. The production values are exquisite, the camera shots are appropriately used, the location shots are breathtaking and we are also treated to lavish costumes and settings. And the singing and acting are top drawer, and helped hugely by the exemplary direction of Jean-Pierre Ponnelle.

Luciano Pavarotti is wonderful as the Duke, I have always been accustomed to his voice(one you recognise immediately upon hearing) which is so effortless at the top if not so much his acting, I can find him a kind of "stand-and-sing" sort of singer. Here though, Pavarotti does show some believable acting ability(see his playful eye contact in "Questo o quella" for instance) and is in great voice. He sings "La Donna e mobile" with real vigour and sings "ella mi fu rapita...parmi veder Le lagrime" beautifully, even if I do slightly prefer Placido Domingo's more poised and thoughtful recording of it under the baton of Sherrill Milnes(who along with Wixell is my personal favourite Rigoletto).

Pavarotti is supported solidly by some quite talented singers and actors. While occasionally a little on the sweet side as Gilda, Edita Gruberova does show a wondrous colouratura register and is suitably vulnerable and ethereal, and even better with the best acting of all the principles-being able to show so many dimensions to the character and wonderfully- is Ingvar Wixell as both Rigoletto and Monterone, which provided a very interesting parallel slant.

All in all, wonderful and I can say it is one of my personal favourites as of now. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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