Review of Showdown

Showdown (1973)
Verrry '70s, but it's Dean Martin, so...
18 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film would have made a fairly good romantic triangle comedy in a more modern setting, but the western aspects of the film jar against the charming comic rivalry between Hudson and Dino for the female lead's attention. The early-'70s feel of the script didn't gel with the time period. Don't get me wrong, the banter and verbal sparring made me chuckle, but it is dialogue I would expect to take place in a Manhattan apartment between three urban sophisticates.

Of course, Dean Martin's amiable charm elevates this, as it always does all his films, above what it would have been without him. Hudson struggles valiantly, but his is unable to muster the star power to compete with Martin's effortless performance playing himself again. Martin's sheer charisma forces everyone else to up their game, but at the same time mutes them in the face of his good-humored zest for life. One thinks that seeing a person playing essentially the same character again and again would become monotonous, but Martin never gets stale no matter how many times he mugs and smirks and breaks the fourth wall.

The downer ending is a bit of a deal-breaker, as I'd have preferred Hudson or anybody else to have died than who did, but it is still worth checking out for Dino completists.
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