The Eagle (2011)
Cant believe I saw this
10 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Fist of, excuse my English, im trying my best. Second I doubt very much this movie have accurate historical truth in it. Third I don't know why nobody is talking about the message of this movie.

In this movie the "good" guys seem to be the son of a legion leader who wants his family honor back(by recovering a stupid eagle, big EGO) and a slave whos family was killed by the father of the first good guy?!??!? The "bad" guys are the people who defend their land against their enemy(Excuse me but if you are coming into my house with a sword I will cut your head off).

Of course the northen tribes have great qualities(running faster then horses) but they somehow fail?!?!?, and the good guys(an egotistical idiot and a traitor) can kill each like hercules(although they look like they eat at mcdonals all their lifes).

Awful movie.
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