Hoffman shines
9 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Sidney Lumet, director of 12 Angry Men (10/10), Deathtrap (9/10), and Network (8/10), died today at 86. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead is a solid film to end six decades of work. I'm sure Hawke, Hoffman, and Tomei are happy to have added to their respectable filmographies under Lumet's direction. After some consideration, I prefer it as it is to a linear format.

Ethan Hawke's Hank understandably takes on a straightforward plan and screws up in an idiotic, albeit believable way, essentially destroying his family. It raises the question of how many people would go along with such a crime under similar circumstances.

Philip Seymour Hoffman is outstanding, as he was in Doubt (9/10). Intense and funny, I'm tremendously impressed by him. There isn't a better actor working today in terms of ability and promise.
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