The Good Wife: Wrongful Termination (2011)
Season 2, Episode 19
Wrongul Termination Should Have Stayed With Just This Theme ***
6 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Cary finally finds out what we've known for the past several weeks. Kalinda slept with the Chris Noth character one night. What is this already-"Peyton Place?" We know that this could damage his run for State Attorney General but enough already.

The real interesting story here is the suit brought about by employees of a firm charging discrimination and harassment in the work-place. Michael J. Fox returns as the lawyer for the other side. He is as shrewd as they come. Of course, he is out-foxed by the Belansky-Charles- Mrs. Florrick team in the end, but he gives a gem of a performance here.

When the former partner dies, every detail possible is given to the Jewish ritual of Shiva following the funeral. Imagine, Fox, who had bought the deceased's practice, appears with a "Yarmulka," Jewish scull cap.
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