So much failure
4 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know anyone involved with the making of this film, so whatevs to all the other comments on here - I went cuz my girlfriend wanted to see it.

Short version - it blows big time. Save your money.

Long version - it blows big time, but in so many ways:

Acting - over the top in a lot of places

Plot - mindnumbingly simplistic and so full of holes you drive a truck through it

Script - might appeal to a 15-year old that has been living in a cave and reading old comic books

Fimography - I've seen better Sci-Fi channel movies

Special effects - see filmography

Critical analysis - Wolf Creek meets Hostel and has sloppy, drunken sex in the parking lot producing a retarded child that nobody likes. That retarded child fell out of a truck, hit its head very hard on the pavement, and became this movie.

I wasn't expecting much, but this steaming pile of direct-to-video awfulness didn't even deliver that. It's not controversial, just cheap-looking. Doesn't the budget info on IMDb say $250,000?? If that's not true, someone ought to update it.

LOL I notice people on here keep saying "Raw" - what does that actually mean? Is that their way of trying to justify the grainy picture? Either way, a low budget is no excuse for poor picture quality. If you don't have enough to do the job properly, don't bother - and don't expect audiences to shell out their hard earned money to watch it, because that's just greedy and arrogant. If the movie was made for DVD, why not just release it straight to DVD?

You don't get a gold star, a pat on the head and a "good on you for trying" in the real world - that only happens in preschool. If you can't do a good job of something, please don't bother in the first place. I don't think cinemas know how bad the picture on this thing is, or they wouldn't be showing it.

On the bright side, if you walk out, it'll be hella easy to get your $$$ back :D
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