This movie is hilarious
4 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
We were having a really bad day and decided to see this on Netflix streaming because it looked interesting. It definitely delivered in being the bar none most obviously fabricated thing ever.

I can take with a grain of salt George supposedly narrating an hour and a half worth of "evidence" in a stunningly quiet hospital room, and even asking his wife for the taping equipment. But...it's so specific that there's no way. Add to that: Capital, not the Beatles, selected the song listing for Yesterday and Today, which was a very sore spot for the Beatles.

Yellow Submarine was recorded for Revolver, not Yellow Submarine, which additionally was a soundtrack, not an album. Far moreso than, say, Hard Day's Night or Help since the Beatles only contributed one album side to it.

Hello Goodbye and Strawberry Fields Forever were not on the original Magical Mystery Tour release, but were added later because the original double EP format was unable to be released stateside (they previously existed as singles).

Let It Be was in the can before Abbey Road was recorded.

And so on and so forth.

It kills me that the people putting this together were so sloppy yet packaged it as some kind of definitive proof. I laughed for hours after it was over. And the William to Paul transformation video was spectacularly hilarious, even as over-saturated as it was.
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