Come and let me down
4 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I understand that the budget for Come and get me was small, and I realise horror movies are usually quite 'bad' in themselves. (That's what I enjoy most about them!) However, I did have high expectations for a witty blood & guts film shot with a little bit of beginner roughness. I didn't expect to be let down so largely, particularly in the special effects department. I had really hoped for extreme mutilation that would make me cringe and perhaps vomit! Instead I found myself in disbelief that Director Chris Sun had let such shoddy effects take place. I felt a little embarrassed. The sound was overpowering and distracting at most times. The plot was messy and did not seem to take shape. The character establishment was confusing, the lead villain (Johnny) was played far too over the top in my opinion, his evil laughing was neither funny nor disturbing but rather irritating. Yes the lighting was bad too, and I recall too much camera play (zooming & bump) during dialogue. In fact camera focus became an issue in a particular scene, it may have been deliberate (please correct me if I am wrong).

I see a lot of reviews stating 'rape scenes' there are none. Not even nudity actually.

I had hopes for this movie, but to me it failed.
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