They should have stayed at home. I wish I had
2 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Come And Get Me is truly the dark side of indie film. Not because it is, as the film makers would tout 'Australia's sickest , most f-d up indie film' - because this is what you get when talentless bogans have access to movie making equipment. after attending the premiere screening and the wonderful profanity laced opening speech from director, who in no uncertain terms told the audience that if they didn't like it they could 'F off' I was then treated to the screaming pleas of someone i was later told was the producer shouting from the door at audience members who were still coming in. This display of charm and professionalism set the tone for an evening that can only be described as a trip into a misogynistic, talent free bogan wet dream.

THERE IS ZERO PLOT OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN THIS FILM. NONE. If this was written on a bundy and coke bender in an afternoon, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. The cast, god bless them, do what they can with what little they have, And manage to infuse these cardboard stereotypes with some honest to gosh believable emotional range - but there's so little there for them to work with.Every cast member should get an award for doing the most they can with a zero script and less direction. Honestly, you could write the script on a square of toilet paper. A true testament to the talent of the cast would seem to be putting up with The director and production team for the duration of the shoot.Lines are lifted from other films, and the twist ending..ugh.

Some of the winners? after seeing her friends butchered, a girl screams 'I told you I had to go to work in the morning'

after a disembowelment? 'ya friend dropped her guts hahaha'

It would seem funny and witty are not the writer/directors friends.

To be fair, the 'Most F'd up indie film' line could be true- because the technical side of the film is an abomination and the only horrifying part of the film. A dark, badly lit film with god awful sound,ADD editing, wretched lighting and colour, wretched camera work, zero direction and a hammy OTT soundtrack is what will really come and get you, and dull your brain into a coma for the duration of this cinematic abortion. The gore, which seems to be the one thing the director did put effort into, because we can see it certainly wasn't writing or directing, is the true star of the show, and while well done, is flashed on screen so liberally it loses any and all impact. For self professed fans of horror,they seem to be unaware of what makes something truly scary. But then, that's not the point, is it? The filmmakers proclaim they are proud of their ocker bogan film, as if that is somehow meant to be a point of pride. People did walk out- not because of any intensity, but because the film is BAD. Though, I'm certain the filmmakers will see it as a victory, as self awareness seems to be something they sorely lack. The truth is, it seems to be nothing more than a low grade riff on Wolf Creek, Hostel and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre that misses the point of all 3, adds nothing new to either Australian film or the Genre, and, unless you have the mentality of an imbecile who enjoys the glorified victimizing and murder of women, there is no entertainment to be had here.
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