Review of Gümüs

Gümüs (2005–2007)
Not my cup of tea, but can 85 million Arab viewers be wrong?
2 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This series, which aired as "Noor" in Arab countries, essentially revolutionized Arab language television. That having been said, however, it's somewhat difficult to understand the series' appeal. The cast is charismatic, but it's hardly their best work. Kivanç Tatlitug (Mohannad in the Arabic version) doesn't have much more to do but smirk and be blond, and Songül Öden tries hard but the writers seem to confuse Noor/Gumus's learning to use a straightening iron for her hair with actual character development ("You've changed," Mohannad bemoans in one scene, despite the fact that the only noticeable change is better hair and fashion sense). The characters plights are so utterly disconnected from reality it is difficult to sympathize with any of them, especially since they elevate self-absorption to an art form. Possibly the only realistic element of the series is also its most tedious - the characterize seem to argue over the same issues, repeatedly.

Personally, I found the series to be a bit like a meringue cookie - sugary, attractive and glossy, but extremely fluffy. Still, lots of people loved the series - so who am I to judge?
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