Marie Galante (1934)
Interesting for the Time, Characters Needed More Depth
27 March 2011
I must admit to being a bit disappointed. This film seems to bring forth a lot of talented actors, but loses their interaction in the plot. Beautiful Frenchwoman, Ketti Gillian, starts off at as the star, and she acts well. I like that she has several realistic scenes speaking French where there are no subtitles. English speakers need not freak out. She isn't saying anything important in these scenes. However, she practically gets lost after the first 15 minutes.

At that point, we are introduced to the real hero, Spencer Tracy. He is a nicely laid back rather intelligent hero. The movie quickly becomes a rather standard mystery-spy tale with the audience and hero trying to guess the identity of the rogue agent who is plotting to blow up the Panama Canal. The other supporting actors deliver nice performances, Ned Sparks, Helen Morgan, Sig Ruman, and Leslie Fenton are all effective. Unfortunately, they each get a few scenes, about ten minutes and their characters don't develop, but just tend to disappear. The feel is very much like a Charlie Chan or Mr. Moto or other slightly above-average clever mystery movie of the 1930's.

It is just disappointing that it wasn't more ambitious. With some more work, it could have been much closer to "Casablanca." Instead, it feels like two reels of an "A" picture and then six reels of a "B."
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