Jim Varney-one of a kind
25 March 2011
Having served in the United States Army while this was in production, of course, I'll have a soft spot for this movie. Ernest was serving while I was serving. Pretty cool. Besides, it has Ernest(Varney). Two of my favorite one liners: "I'm poultry in motion" and "No ma'am, I'm Southern Baptist". Varney always gave 110% to his Ernest character and every other character he's portrayed. I do love his Sgt. Glory character and I'm glad to have seen more of him in not only this movie but in the "Hey, Vern! It's Ernest" series. I do realize that when this was made, Varney was suffering from lung cancer though didn't release the info until August of 1998. I really wanted to see 'Ernest the Pirate' and I heard it was almost through before he passed away. What a legend of a guy. Varney and Ernest were so interwoven together that he has made him irreplaceable. Shame on Cherry for trying out a 'New Ernest'. Ernest fans should get this. People who have served or are now serving in the military should get this. This movie had a lot of heart, just like all the Ernest movies did. At first, Ernest is conned into giving Ben-Ali money for a lucky charm but when Ernest saves Ben-Ali from bullies, he gives all his money back and befriends Ernest, who always seem to take in the disadvantaged kids in every movie. That's why we love Ernest. He's the underdog and wears his heart on the outside for the whole world to see. He always helped those who needed it most. He even helped those who ridiculed him. Jim 'Ernest' Varney will always live on. Of course, Ernest gets electrocuted, always a joy to watch. It never fails to make me laugh. R.I.P. Varney 1949-2000. You're still in our hearts. Your movies will always have a place in my DVD player.
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