Review of A Taste of Pink

Extremely sloppy all-sex filler from Joe Sarno
25 March 2011
I got my hopes up momentarily watching A TASTE OF PINK because it's shot on film, but they were soon dashed by the clumsy, "who cares?" direction of Joe Sarno, here using the pseudonym "Louis Roman". It's basically a primer in how not to construct a movie.

Amber Lynn (as Andrea) and Karen Summer are the stars with top billing, but they have no dialog (apart from moaning & groaning and "oh yeah, baby" sex gibberish). Instead Andrea's sister Jean, played by top-heavy Scarlett Scharleau, recites the non-story to us when she's not humping her BFF Barbie Dahl or some random guy.

Film opens with Lynn and Summer having sex on a white shag rug, very familiar as a prop from other Sarno videos of this period (see: A TIGHT DELIGHT). When Sarno regular Michael Knight arrives it's instant troilism time.

Laura Worth (Dahl) visits Jean, arriving in NYC from her hometown in Pennsylvania. Jean informs her that sister Angela is now a fashion model, dating symphony conductor Enrico Moretti -cut to Angela humping Moretti, played by Joey Silvera using his pseudonym "Joseph Black". "He wields a big baton" wisecracks Jean (this video has no writing credit, of course).

After a lesbian scene with Laura Jean tells us Andrea has a date with Broadway producer Keith Rollin -cut to her humping Paul Thomas, who doesn't get any dialog either. This lame vignette structure continues throughout the non-film.

Joe Farnsworth arrives at the apartment to see Laura -wham bam, we have another threesome, with Joe treating Laura to anal sex. Sarno's transitions are extremely poor -there are no costume changes whatsoever, and the clothes come off and reappear magically between scenes. In the final reels the footage is randomly presented and even repeated, a failing common to many of his slapdash XXX videos.

Jean describes Andrea's interest in group sex and gives the viewer a confusing and pointless rundown on who's she's with, cueing a foursome of three women and one guy. Most of the supporting players here are uncredited, though Gina Carrera is touted on the video box (but gets no on-screen listing). Rachel Ashley is listed in IMDb, but doesn't get a credit and doesn't show up either.

Knight pops up again, supposedly sent by Andrea, and gives Laura & Jean a tumble. Film ends arbitrarily with Knight in a moment of chivalry offering the two gal pals an encore -fast fade to black.

This hodge-podge is a ludicrous excuse for a feature, running just 69 minutes fortunately. It has zero content, but the main fetishes are the white hosiery worn by Dahl and Scharleau, the well-photographed anal sex scene included to appease Barbie's fans, some mindless tropes/Sarno-isms like pointless transition footage of driving down the streets of Manhattan, and most cryptically a repeated use of a "coffee station" in Scharleau's apartment which pops up as filler in several of these videos. Soundtrack is the same rotten music as several dozen other videos in the series, all reissued by Video-X-Pix on DVD.

Probably the worst aspect of A TASTE OF PINK is its basic bait & switch approach. Amber Lynn and Karen Summer are front-loaded into the project but might as well have been represented by archive footage instead of the crummy scenes Joe accorded them here.
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