Trust (I) (2010)
A scary good movie that people need to see
24 March 2011
I went in thinking it would be a standard-issue, after-school special type of movie that would be most popular when it airs on Lifetime. I'm sure a lot of you may hesitate to go see it because you are thinking the same thing. YOU NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE.

It's real. It's damn real. The acting across the board is phenomenal. The girl playing Annie in the movie is relatively new on the scene, but she nails it. Perfect range of up and down emotions.

I know a lot of you have seen To Catch a Predator. That show seems scripted and fake when compared to this film. Trust gives you an inside view of what something like this can do not only to a victim but also to the victim's family. Clive Owen and Catherine Keener are spot-on and deliver outstanding performances.

Scary good is the best way I can describe this movie. You'll walk away knowing you just saw something important and you'll immediately want to take steps to make sure it doesn't happen to you.

Please go see this. Tell your friend to go see it. This is definitely an R-rated movie that every parent should take their teenager to go see. The world would be a better place.
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