Hated it
23 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh what were the film makers thinking when they put this out?? The telling of how "Rita" was in the car with Paul was almost plausible. The wreck happened in 1966. However when they said Heather Mills was the new name given to the mysterious "Rita" by MI5, there was one small problem. Heather Mills was born in 1968, so how could she have been Rita in the first place?? Truth be told PAUL IS ALIVE!!!!!!! If you are going to document something and present it as truth, one would think the film makers would have done some research before presenting such bull. I only hope Sir McCartney, or Heather Mills for that matter find a legal reason to sue the producers under to keep them from trying to change history in the future. The creators of this "Movie" should explore something they are good at, writing fantasy films.
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