Dirty Love (2005)
Got better material?
21 March 2011
"This is unspeakably, shockingly bad. It's sickeningly loathsome, it's a[...]suffering to the mind." - James "The Angry Video Game Nerd" Rolfe, Superman 64 review.

Wow, I never thought I'd succumb to this. Dirty Love, as of today, is the only film I've given a zero star review. On my site of course, not IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes. Those sites force you to give the film the lowest denominator. Dirty Love doesn't deserve any points at all. It's a disgusting and grotesque picture plagued by awful acting, pathetic characters, and one of the worst screenplays I've ever heard.

Jenny McCarthy, the lead actress in the film, actually wrote the screenplay for this trash. It's absolutely horrendous, and is questionably the worst screenplay I've ever heard. Why would McCarthy herself want to sit in a pool of menstrual blood? That scene alone was making me gag. Plus it's unrealistic. I'm not a woman, but if a woman had that much blood coming out of her vagina she would need medical attention or be dead. That amount alone is just absolutely not possible. Even if she sat in the spot for an hour.

Is this a romantic comedy? Are we supposed to feel bad for her? I don't. No sympathy what so ever for a woman dumb enough to date a womanizing model. Then for her to act extremely shocked when she was cheated on. Yes, in case you haven't searched the plot, Dirty Love is about Rebecca (McCarthy), a recently dumped photographer, trying to make her boyfriend jealous the whole film.

Her sleazy friends Michelle (Electra) and Carrie (Heskin) try to help Rebecca out in this time of need, but ultimately cause her even more distress. Her close male friend John (Thomas), who has a crush on her for some odd reason, tries to give her advice as well when deep down inside he really likes Rebecca and wants to prove he is the right guy for her. Hmm, the way John gives Rebecca advice has it ever occurred to her that this "John" likes her? Back to the idea of a romantic comedy, a romantic comedy is supposed to leave the audience with some sort of love, affection, or relation to the character. Maybe a stood up teen girl, or maybe a hopelessly twentysomething may get into this movie and find a "Rebecca" in them, but not me.

Rebecca clearly needs psychological help. But she looks to her two idiotic, brain dead friends which are about as much help as a homeless man in downtown Chicago. Carrie is an aspiring actress, but her really act should be trying to sound smart. Michelle is a wanna be black girl who is a body waxer. I will admit I looked at her with little amusement because I know girls like her, but no. She doesn't even help give this movie a single star.

Eddie Kaye Thomas is one actor I've always liked. He seems to be the only one trying to make a good film, but we never get into his life. We know he has a huge crush on the lead, Rebecca, but we never hear what he does in life, how he met Rebecca, etc. We get zero information.

The film almost ASSumes we know these characters and introduces them randomly like we've met them. Similar on how my dad says I met one of his friends when I was young but somehow can't remember. We get introduced by Michelle and John so abruptly, and by the time we're acquainted, someone else comes in.

It's almost similar to how in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird we are introduced to characters so quickly. The only difference was that book was so enjoyable and interesting while this is an utterly awful film. It's unwatchable and an all around mess.

Dirty Love is one of the worst films I've ever seen. It's up there with the remake of Day of the Dead and Stoic. There was no thought process behind Dirty Love at all. Every character was a one dimensional shell of what they should've been, and no one gave their potential. Jenny McCarthy is a beautiful women. But seeing her makeup smear, her breasts fly out, and her sit in a pool of her own blood are things that are just horrifying to see. Everything about this film is a broken down mess. Just despicable.

Starring: Jenny McCarthy, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Kam Heskin, Carmen Electra, and Victor Webster. Directed by: John Mallory Asher.
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