Notable thanks to Jim Carrey and Gena Davis in her prime.
16 March 2011
Did not really care for this movie for the most part it was a very difficult watch for me as it was not my type of movie. I mainly watched it as this was a time I was a bit of a Jim Carrey fan and I wanted to see this earlier role of his. Also of note is a young Damon Wayans and Jeff Goldblum when he was still a bit of a bankable star. Granted this film did not bank all that much money. Gena Davis was very attractive in this one as she was simply gorgeous in the 80's as this is one of two collaborations with her and Jeff Goldblum, "The Fly" being the other and vastly superior film. This one is about three aliens that crash land in a gal's pool as their ship is really small and they can grow to match the inhabitants and this also saves a lot of money on effects as now you do not have to build a huge spaceship. The aliens start out as really colorful furry types, however once shaved down they look pretty much like humans. The humor for the most part falls a bit flat, some of it made me chuckle like when Carrey's character uses his tongue to get a piece of ice. Still, while it may be debatable whether Earth girls are easy, to me watching this film is not.
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