How did they do it?
14 March 2011
The film was good; it kept me entertained and is worth seeing at least from a filmmaker's perspective. Is it the best war film I have ever seen? – no but it's not the worst either. Sure…it is just an independent film. Yeah, no big named actors. No big budget. No famous director but I give it a 10 for the guts and courage to actually make the film. Why? For the producers, actors and crew to even "think" that they could make this film and then to actually pull it off – in the world of filmmaking is like be the first man on the moon! No one had ever made a period war film on this scale with the budget they had. It's never been done. Simply record breaking! From a producer's point of view – it is a ten! Real vintage aircraft, real actors jumping out of planes, over 250 people credited, period vehicles and army bases! It is simply mind-boggling! The production value and the making of this film should be a part of any film enthusiast's studies. I mean – how on earth did the producers do it?
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