Black Angel (1946)
effective noir
11 March 2011
An interesting cast and great atmosphere help to make "Black Angel" a very good noir. Directed by Roy William Neill, the plot concerns a woman, Catherine Bennett (June Vincent) trying to prove that her philandering husband Kirk (John Phillips) is innocent of the murder of a gorgeous woman named Mavis Marlowe (Constance Dowling). Mavis' husband, composer- pianist Martin Blair (Dan Duryea) teams with Catherine and the two start performing at a nightclub owned by a possible suspect, Marko (Peter Lorre), in order to get evidence to free Kirk. Can they get it before Kirk is executed?

The '40s atmosphere is wonderful, and the story really holds interest. Duryea plays a much softer character than he usually did, and he's very good. Broderick Crawford plays the officer in charge of the investigation into Mavis' murder. Vincent is sympathetic as Kirk's wife, who loves her husband even though he cheated. Lorre's role is small, but it's Peter Lorre after all, and he's very effective. Former Goldwyn girl Dowling is a knockout and looks like someone would want to kill her. Vincent and Duryea (both dubbed) perform some pleasant songs, including "I Wanna Be Talked About" and "Time Will Tell."

As good as this film is, I think in the hands of another director, it could have been even better. As it is, it's well worth seeing.
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