Los Angeles "cracktown", a slice of life few of us can identify with.
9 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it on Netflix streaming movies. Good picture and sound.

For those, like myself, who grew up in the rural south, never used drugs, got a college degree, built a career in the business world, while being married and raising a family, what is depicted in this movie is very foreign, very hard to understand. What I don't know is how realistic it is, but for lack of any other guidance I will assume it fairly depicts a slice of life where the participants are involved, directly and indirectly, with crack cocaine.

This is not an "enjoyable" movie, it is all dirt and grit and people killing each other, either with the drug lifestyle, or with guns. The cast is good, the acting is good, but much of it is very difficult to watch.

The movie uses the editing technique where in the very last minute or so we see the coming together of 4 parallel but different stories. One about a young boy and his little sister, escaping the ratty apartment, starting their journey for a better life. The street thug waiting for the door to open with law-enforcement guns ablaze. The young married corner store clerk forced to use the pistol to protect himself. The racially mixed couple and their struggle with drugs and violence.

Not a pretty or enjoyable movie, but an interesting one.
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