Definitely a step up
6 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a throwback to the earlier episodes giving us a couple interesting story-lines ( We can be quite sure that parent review boards are gonna cry afoul as usual about both the violence and Meg's infatuation).

There are perfect elements in this episode, involving the best pairing of the series, Brian and Stewie and playing in some peripheral characters like bonnie, Meg and Joe.

The episode starts off with Brian mocking Stewie about him going soft and losing his evil streak, provoking Stewie to try and make himself more evil via one more of his endless machines, and instead ends up creating an extremely evil and sadistic clone of himself.

The other storyline involves Bonnie leaving town enlisting Meg's help in order to look after Susie and Joe and Meg in the process going overboard and developing an infatuation for Joe.

The ending with Stewie flashing his evil smile seems to indicate the return of a darker Stewie in future episodes, a change that I open heartedly welcome given how soft his character had become in the later episodes.

This episode overall was perfectly constructed did not have any unnecessary fillers, extremely long cutaways or annoying songs and definitely had me interested for its entire duration making me give it a solid 9, probably missing out on a 10 for not having any major laugh out funny moments.
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