The Stand (1994)
I think I watched a different series
6 March 2011
I have to have watched a different series to all the other people who wrote glowing reviews of this miniseries. Either that or I'm missing a massive post-modernist joke.

I don't think I've ever sat through such a clunky script, such awful acting or such poor direction. It started off tolerable, but simply got worse and worse. It's fair to say that Molly Ringwald was never much of an actress anyway, and Rob Lowe does a truly idiosyncratic deaf-mute. But I pity poor Gary Sinise for having to live this one down. On the whole, the characters are just one risible stereotype after another.

I think I lost my ability to stomach it while watching a truly gut churning scene of adolescent foreplay between Corin Nemec and Laura San Giacomo that convinced me that the director must have never actually had sex.

But that was not as inexplicable as why a group of grown adults would send a mentally handicapped man out as a spy. Don't want to spoil it for you, but it boggles the mind.

Somehow, the book makes it all seem plausible but it does not survive the transition to the screen. No one should ever let Steven King script another screenplay. It's not what he's good at.
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