Gilligan's Island (1964–1992)
The Best Show Ever?
2 March 2011
If I were stranded on a desert island and allowed only one TV show, it would be "Gilligan's Island". For all it silliness, it's a psychologically complex show. Gilligan screws up every rescue attempt (except for the Don Rickles episode which, interestingly enough, is blown by Ginger)but clearly this is his subconscious working. Why would he want to be rescued? The island offers shelter and plenty of food, so he's in no danger of dying. He's got his best friend, the Skipper. He has a mentor in the Professor. He has parent figures in the Howells (rather strange parent figures, but still parent figures), a fantasy love interest in Ginger, and a realistic love interest in Mary Ann. Why would he want to leave? None of them seem that interested in leaving. Once every couple months, they'll concoct a half-hearted scheme to build a raft or light a signal fire, but overall they're more interested in their wardrobes or putting on talent shows or electing a leader on an island where everyone pretty much does what he or she pleases to begin with... It's a commentary on how man will change any landscape to suit his or her image. Gilligan's motives for staying have been outlined. Skipper is finally a leader (at least in his mind). The Howells love being among people they can clearly feel superior to. Ginger is now the celebrity she always imagined herself being, since her roles in minor movies show she was never A-list. The Professor is totally getting off on being the brains. Mary Ann feels useful and important, probably for the first time in her life, by being the only truly sensible person on the island. The show also comments on man's laziness: letting others do the work. When a guest star arrives the castaways always see that person as salvation, instead of using their own skills to get off the island. This show is awesome. Ginger's gowns alone could be the subject of a book.
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