The humour of Rocky has sailed right over the heads of many IMDb members
21 February 2011
One of the gags in this film involves a Hollywood script screener rejecting movie scripts because they are "too intelligent" :-) Well, apparently this movie is too intelligent for most voters are IMDb, as they have (incorrectly) given this movie a 4.1 rating out of ten! Obviously, they are not "getting" the Hollywood "inside jokes' and humour, (Zoom! Right over their heads!) and I suspect that this is also is a generation thing; most of you didn't grow-up with Rocky and Bullwinkle. The cartoon, like many from that era, took swipes at Government, Politics, Hollywood, etc. They were made for adults too, not just kids. I suggest you read Roger Ebert's review of this movie and gain a basic understanding and an education from someone who has been the best movie critic for a long time. There is a reason why so many recognized and talented actors signed-on for this movie. It was smart and funny at the same time, and these experienced actors recognized that. You should educate yourself and you will "get it" too!
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