A Dog Year (2009)
A Different Dog Story
16 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Jeff Bridges can do no wrong in my book, he is a brilliant, underplaying actor who catches a role and runs with it. He didn't let me down in this movie.

I could relate to it on many levels, having adopted a rescue - part collie - myself and it took two years for her to bond with me. But when she did it was like a marriage.

'A Dog Year', based on Jon Katz's book, tells the story of a man suffering from a midlife crisis and writer's block, who adopts a crazy abused dog who is completely out of control. The story is basically how they both evolve into full beings and nurture each other back to a balanced life.

Jon's other two dogs, two golden labs, are perfectly trained and some of the funniest scenes in the film revolve around their appalled dignity as they watch Devin, the dog from hell, run amok. Jon runs away with Devin to a phoneless farm and slowly assimilates into socializing with the country folk as he and Devin work out the kinks and hurts in their relationship with each other.

It's a lovely little film on many levels. Jeff embodies the role and even though he is angry and unlovable, just like Devin, there is a spark of his innate kindness underlying his every action.

7 out of 10 from me. Worth catching for any dog lover.
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