Pretty good ninja flick with large amount of gratuitous violence
15 February 2011
This is a pretty good violent and gritty ninja flick that is worth seeing at least once. This does shows that ninjas are back in mainstream cinema and for good reason. The gratuitous action sequences are well done, although a bit too fast to catch what is really going on. But you will get tons of blood and decapitation and dismemberment in this, basically it's a ninja movie for adults. On a negative note the story seems to be a bit convoluted and all over the place and not for very good reasons either, which sort of makes the movie appear sloppy at times. The main plot though is about a ninja from a evil ninja clan that trains assassins goes rogue. The main reason why so many Asians decided to see this movie is because it has the K-pop artist Rain in this who plays the main character ninja who goes rogue in this. All I can say is he is decent, just not that good but he has the physique to physical strength and talent to play a ninja well. The story isn't anything that interesting, but the flashbacks are actually pretty cool to watch and in my opinion the best part about this movie. It would be nice if this movie earns enough money for a sequel cause it does have potential or at least for movie industries to not be afraid to make more rated 18 movies.

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