Review of Gold Rush

Gold Rush (2010– )
Glorifies Incompetence and Idolizes Stupidity
12 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously these idiots supposedly spent Nearly $250 to get their home made wash plant built and running on their leased claim in Alaska. OK I checked the classifieds in the California Mining Journal. A ready to run truck mounted wash plant Was Listed for $60,000 including the heavy equipment needed to run it. Seriously, check the classified ads.

The writers have gone out of their way to create fake drama in this show. We're down to the wire out of money and have been (supposedly) running for months. Never once have they checked to see if they are actually getting any gold. Nobody, except maybe a Hollywood writer, is that stupid. For the amount of material they supposedly moved and the pitiful amount of gold recovered they have picked the worst spot on earth, maybe the entire solar system.

Maybe I'm just biased because I've been prospecting and mining gold in the Mojave Desert since the 1970's. I think this show is offensive to any one with common sense. Real miners are not stupid. The stupid ones end up blowing them selves up or falling down a mine shaft. This fate awaits the writers of this show.

This is the core of what's wrong with this show. The writers are too detached. It's unlikely any of them have ever seen a gold pan let alone a real gold mine. They presume their audience is as ignorant as they are. Big mistake. This show, had it been base on any sort of earthly reality, would have attracted people that had been bitten by the gold bug. Instead we have yet another badly written, poorly acted, soap opera. This time instead of motorcycles we have gold pans.

Perhaps they should all go crab fishing.

P.S. It's impossible to lose gold. You simply fail to recover it. It's not lost. It's still there, right where you missed it.
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