Rope of Sand (1949)
Beware of macho posturing...and poor writing.
11 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Burt Lancaster returns to Angola after a two year absence. It seems he had previously wandered onto property owned by a diamond mining concern and when the boss (Paul Henreid) learns that Lancaster found diamonds, he beats him within an inch of his life--but learns nothing. Now Lancaster is back....and there is a lot of talking and posturing before much of anything happens.

A bunch of the reviewers seemed to like this film, but I couldn't help thinking it could have been a lot better. After all, with Burt Lancaster, Claude Rains, Peter Lorre and Paul Henreid, I expected a lot. In addition, while the story had a lot of action and violence, it seemed amazingly uninvolving. I attribute much of this to the character played by Lancaster. He was full of needless macho posturing--and none of it really made any sense. Think about it---after nearly getting killed two years earlier for wandering into an Angolan diamond company's property, he now returns and makes sure EVERYONE sees him--especially the guy responsible for maiming him! What idiot would just waltz back in such a hostile and dangerous place?!?! Later, when he and the baddie have their big showdown, Lancaster holds a loaded .45 on Henreid--and empties the gun so they can fistfight like real men! And, oops...Henreid is able to get away!! Talk about great planning and needless macho heroics! Plus, it seemed weird seeing Henreid playing a guy who can beat up Lancaster in a fight!! As a result, the film has some mildly interesting scenes but it never makes a lot of sense.

By the way, if you wonder why Lorre is in the film, I have no idea either--and I saw this film! It's the case of a good actor with nothing particular to do and no apparent motivation just aimlessly bouncing about in a movie.
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