Review of Freight

Freight (2010)
Seems It can turn deaf in France and blind in the UK
7 February 2011
Yes i'm french ...and Yes again i also love British Cinema. Hopefully unlike the Italian author cinema the British one is still Alive ! and brings to us from time to time a real jewel : Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch , Swallow Grave, Trainspotting, Revolver,This Is England, Four lions, all the Stanley Kubrick movies etc. Off course there's too many to mention all of them.

So Far from me the will to light up an ancient rivalry or to start another 100 Years War :^)...but i am quit surprise to see that only British reviewer love that movie ( how can it be !).

The only one that i agree with is a Russian cinephile. And if you ask me i can't understand how such a bad movie script, hawfully play by mediocre acting ( and directing i guess ) can be so much positively misjudge .

As a Latin proverb says "love turns you blind !". Perhaps ..! Can't see another plausible explanation.

Watching this movie so dull was a pain for the mind. Even the "action" sequence were boring. I better not say what i think in detail of the script ! Someone says it's a kind of British "Taken" , well to me "Taken" is at best an average action movie with a predictable story. "Freight" is a lot worse than that !. Spare your money guy , rent a video, DL a movie and choose a _real_ movie.
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