Taking Chance (2009 TV Movie)
A Pretty Fair Portrayal
6 February 2011
On 28 December 2010, I began escort duty for PFC Conrado Javierdiaz, Jr. Private First Class Javierdiaz was laid to rest in Marina, California on 6 January 2011. This movie is a fairly accurate portrayal of what it is to be an escort. Much has changed between 2004 and 2010. Remains do not travel by commercial air anymore, but by contracted carriers, usually from Dover directly to the nearest airport to the final resting place. There are a few flaws; sloppy salutes, misplaced uniform items, and an airman wouldn't be walking around outdoors with no headgear and no blouse. But, overall, the movie was fairly accurate. And, although they didn't actually film at the Casualty Affairs building at Dover, there is a curved wall with the names of fallen servicemembers carved in it, very similar to the film. Along the way, in life as in the movie, there are many, many small and random acts of kindness and grace. Although we don't generally describe what we're doing and do all we can to maintain a level of solemnity and dignity, people along the way know who we are and what we're doing.

Taking Chance is a film that shows America and Americans in such a beautiful way, paying tribute in each's manner to someone who serves to protect our nation and our way of life. Sure, people dump on the film for its flag waving and for its rampant patriotism. But, me... I rather favor patriots. I don't have much patience for ingrates. It's nice to watch a film that makes me feel good about America.
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