Swingers (1996)
Definitely worth checking out.
5 February 2011
"The point is, Mike, that it all depends on how you look at it."

Swingers is the quintessential guy movie. Not to say that a woman won't enjoy it, or that it's a stereotypical collection of all the things that men are supposed to love in movies, like a non-stop testosterone-fueled orgy of naked women, explosions, and violence. 

Nope, Swingers is the quintessential guy movie because almost every guy can relate to at least part of it at some time during his life. The uncertainty about your career, the lingering pain of losing a girlfriend you truly loved, the camaraderie (and annoyances) of your friends, the frustrating world of dating and the games and "rules" that come along with it, and the feeling of that moment when you finally realize that your life can go on without that other person it revolved around so long.

The story focuses on Mike (Jon Favreau), an aspiring comedian in Los Angeles who has recently gone through a break-up with his long-term girlfriend back east, and his group of friends. Most of whom try to help Mike get over his break-up by meeting women in and around L.A. and Las Vegas. Especially his two best friends, ladies man Trent (Vince Vaughn) and Rob (Ron Livingston)  Most of the movie follows the group on their nightly romps through the city, or Mike as he struggles with the loss of the relationship that he was very much invested in.

I enjoyed the casual conversations the guys had about women, video games, their job efforts, and other things. Swingers really nailed the dynamics of how guys act with each other.

It's also pretty funny, though it's not a total comedy by any means. A lot of the humor derives from Mike's painful attempts to talk to women, after six long years off the market. There's a really hysterical sequence about Mike and a woman's answering machine later in the movie that will have you howling. 

I got the sense that Swingers is the kind of movie that holds up well after repeated viewings, and maybe even gets better. It's not amazing, or anything like that, but it is hard to imagine anyone (especially guys aged 20-29) not appreciating it.
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