Mega Python vs. Gatoroid (2011 TV Movie)
Like a rookie video editors nightmare...
3 February 2011
Is this what Sci Fi... oops... I mean ScyFy has come down to? I remember watching many bad movies aired as original movies on ScyFy back in the day, along with many other series that were back then what made the original SciFi channel what it is.

Mega Python vs. Gatoroid is one of those horrible films you see come along every now and again on ScyFy that make you question the motive of film makers these days. There are good films, and then there are ScyFy films.

As a film & video VFX editor and 3D animator I was ashamed to see such a low level of attention given to the effects and production of this movie. For one the editing of gore has no dimension. They simply fall as bits and pieces of flesh into a masked layer of pathetic editing.

The rendering and blending of objects in the movie were not even close to decent. This film looks like one of those 5 minute videos you will find on YouTube if young kids and adults who have quite literally JUST started working in video editing and production. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the production company that worked on the film were a bunch of college kids who downloaded After Effects, Maya, 3DS Max and called themselves a production company and did work for cheap.

It's so bad that calling it cheesy doesn't even do it justice. There are errors all over the place that in film production you go nuts over if you spot them.

For one the object blending is off. They look like actual 3d models rendered in a scene view or on a low production setting. The object blending is actually decent, but the fact that they can't render anything that looks realistic or even just a tiny bit realistic makes me sad.

The 3D helicopter used in the movie is not only badly animated, but as we all know when a helicopter gets close to ground level objects such as water and trees movie violently simply because of the force being directed downward for the helicopter to obtain lift... It isn't in this movie. Objects are as still as a picture.

I'm ashamed that they are airing this. They need to bring back the X- Files. This just doesn't cut it. ScyFy needs to be shut down if they are going to continue airing what is basically a steaming pile of transformer, x-file wanna be s''t's.
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