Review of Mel

Mel (1998)
1 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Without a doubt one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

The acting was cheesy and overdone - half the cast looked like they didn't want to be there. There are many reviews I see that say this is a good film for kids. I have to say that's an insult to children to say that. Most kids are smart and quick enough to catch on when there is a bad film in front of them.

The effects were terrible - they didn't even try with any of it.

The story plot itself is predictable and boring, I was pretty much force-talked into watching the thing and even then, I walked out within the first 2 minutes.

Bottom line: This is the kind of movie that your local rental store would probably put in the back with all the other "this never happened" stuff that they wish would not be tainting the rest of their stock.
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