Falls short of "Real Housewives" or SATC, but not bad!
1 February 2011
This series has been compared to both Bravo's "Real Housewives" franchise for its reality element as well as HBO's "Sex and the City" for its angle on single life in a city. It is neither, but for a new SoapNet reality series, it doesn't disappoint.

I'll admit to having a soft spot in my heart for the series because I once lived in Louisville. I felt that the series showcases some highlights of the city in its shots of the beautiful parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, as well as local businesses (such as Heine Brothers Coffee, Captain's Quarters, Blink Boutique, and Clodhoppers). For a city of its size in the south, Louisville has a surprising amount to offer. The show also captures the undertones of "tradition" in Louisville, with its storyline frequently revolving around the romantic interests of the main characters; the idea that something is "wrong" with any single woman over 23 is - unfortunately - alive and well in the south.

What I didn't like was how contrived the show seemed at times. While some of the girls are friends in real life, or at least run in the same circles, bits of the drama felt concocted for the cameras (eg: Hadley's romantic relationship with Russ) or the friendships forced. The girls previously knowing each other may have been good for screen chemistry, but I felt like that kept from showing some of the true diversity that I encountered while living in Louisville.

All in all, I enjoyed the series. I lived away from Louisville at the time and looked forward to Thursday nights reliving my days in the city. Although it does not appear that there will be a 2nd season, I will enjoy catching the show on Hulu from time to time when I need a Louisville fix.
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