Mega Python vs. Gatoroid (2011 TV Movie)
And I thought Jaws The Revenge Was Bad
30 January 2011
I would have walked out of this movie on an airplane. Indeed, where should I start? Aside from the cat fight between Tiffany and Debbie Gibson there are so many technical flaws, misguided character arcs, and examples of bad acting I actually found myself wishing that Jaws The Revenge was on. Remember that gem? I like monster movies and creature features just as much as the next SciFi fan but unfortunately this movie, in fact everything that The Asylum as ever released, demonstrates that elements in the scifi world is languishing in a creativity vacuum. I am of the opinion that nothing new or original is being created in Hollywood anymore and it seems that independent film and scifi film makers are falling for overused formulas and horrible graphics. Did you see how bad the creatures looked? I would have rather had a guy in a suit or those odd camera shots we saw in movies like The Night of the Lepus and The Legend of Boggy Creek. Some may argue that the director may have been trying to lampoon a huge number of the common creature feature plot devices but I think that is giving the director way too much credit. While watching this movie I started to feel bad that I was wasting so much time when I could have spent it doing something more interesting like sewing up holes in my socks or watching the snow melt. SciFi can do much better than this. I hope that more worthwhile works are coming our way soon.
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