Mixed review
30 January 2011
In 15 years, I've written approximately one review. IMO, though, anybody thinking about this movie needs some warning.

The acting is bad, to the point of being painful. And it wasn't just one actor; every one of them seemed to be performing the art of Reciting Lines. The writing didn't give them very good lines to recite, either... and on a larger scale, the plot was uninspired and predictable, the premise thin and nonsensical.

Directing-- I'm not sure there was any. Editing-- there WERE a couple of unnecessary "Family Guy"-style interrupts that added nothing to the film. Two of them. Just jarring little "what the **** was that?" kind of shots. Overall, the entire film was of a par to something made by promising middle-school students.

My wife and I were increasingly dismayed watching this, until we started MST3K-ing it. Ridiculing it made it tolerable, and somewhat enjoyable in a sarcastic way.

But all this is like reviewing a children's book for its literary merit. After the movie was over, our 7-year-old son said he really liked it and thanked us for "making" him watch it. And since I rented it thinking HE might find it interesting, I guess it served its purpose.
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