Despite some weak spots, worth seeing...and not a single rape!
29 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
While this film has some serious weaknesses, it deserves kudos for being the one and only Lone Wolf and Cub film that does NOT include someone being raped or there being an attempted rape! Now this does not mean it's exactly family-friendly, as there are tons of killings, swimming pool's worth of blood-letting and a lot of crazy violence. Just think twice before you let your kids watch this or any of the Lone Wolf an Cub movies.

The beginning of this film is highly reminiscent of the plot of Bruce Lee's "The Game of Death". Ogami Itto must defeat one master after another in order to proceed to the next level--the assassination of an evil priest who is actually working for the dreaded Yagyu clan! There is a plot about the substitution of a girl for the male heir to a clan that is related to all this. H stupid in MANY ways. However, the way this is all revealed to Itto is cool...but also pretty stupid if you think about it. It begins with a samurai challenging Itto. Itto naturally kills the guy but instead of just dying instantly like 95% of Itto's victims, he manages to hold on long enough to give an incredibly explanation for the challenge--to determine IF this man was The Lone Wolf and Cub as well as to determine if his skills are up to the task for a new assignment. Then, one at a time, another member of this totally insane clan comes to challenge Itto and each time, the slain man manages to hold on long enough to give more information to Itto as he's dying. The craziest of which involved a guy falling into the fire and giving details as he bleeds to death and roasts alive!! It's neat to watch but makes zero sense. If any one of these men died instantly (like most normally do), then they would not have delivered each detail to him. Does this make any sense at all?!?! Plus, why waste several talented samurai like this?! Why not have the guys just go to Itto and give him the information and commission?! It's neat to watch but pretty dumb. Later, a tough-fighting lady attacks Itto, but she does not want to kill him but talk to him about the assassination the others asked him to perform--and get him to perform three more. However, she is NOT stupid and does not wish to be killed like the other idiots! She is, incidentally, not of the same idiot clan! In between these meetings, there is an odd plot involving Itto's child, Daigoro, and a pickpocket. It's pretty interesting and shows that the little boy is every bit the stoic little nut-case his father is! You just have to see this to know what I mean.

Later, Lord Restudo sends his 'shadow Yagyu' to escort the evil priest. Naturally, Itto is hiding nearby--waiting to complete his contract. How he does, however, is something I sure couldn't have anticipated!! This and the subsequent getaway scene is probably the best part of the movie.

From here on, it's a matter of Itto delivering the latter he got off his victim. But, when this moment arrives, don't think it's the end...as Itto has to make things right within this clan, as someone is usurping the throne and all must be made right...thanks to a massive blood-letting. The final scene where you learn exactly who the mystery woman was who helped him is a fitting finale.

So is the film worth seeing? Well, yes if you like the series. Despite the stupid beginning, the rest of the film is pretty good and exciting. I noticed one reviewer indicated the film was very confusing and didn't make sense--perhaps due to the bad dubbing. Well, I saw a captioned version on DVD from AnimEigo and it was not difficult to understand.
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