Buried (2010)
A novel yet tense experience
27 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
My rating: 3.5/5 Honestly this movie looks like it was made with a budget of $1000! And most probably the director have used a wooden box with Ryan Reynolds in it and few cameras in the whole 135 minutes. But despite all that, seriously 'Buried' is not a bad movie at all. It's just purely new and tense to look at and more enjoyable than many other high budgeted, cast crowded flicks. Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds-The Proposal, Just Friends) is a truck driver who works in Iraq. After getting ambushed and attached by insurgents he gets buried alive in a wooden coffin under the desert sand. Its rather a box which is a little spacious than a usual coffin which immediately comes to our minds but not spacious enough to be comfortable. He discover a lighter, torch and a cellphone and some other small stuff which makes sense when the plot start to reveal its true colors. Later its exposed that rebels expects to demand a ransom and so the story goes. What purely fascinates me is that the movie never, I repeat never leaves the wooden coffin. There are lot happens in the box and lot of interaction with the outside world but all other people involved are limited to voice acting. This gives an immense opportunity for the viewer to be practically get stuck in the box with the main character and just feel how he must be feeling. On top of that the fear mixed up rage and frustration which builds up is wonderfully crafted throughout the movie. I'm not gonna give out any spoilers about the ending or what really happens in the box coz I really enjoyed the movie coz I never knew much about it. Ryan Reynolds does a wonderful job with his character. The roll is very tough with limited moving space and lot of overflowing emotions. Very good work done there for sure. And hats off to the sounds crew including the dramatic score which play and huge part all the time. More than any other movie the sounds really becomes so important in this as visuals are not the key player for your imagination. Overall 'Buried' is a very nice and scary experience. If you ask anyone about their most deepest fears are, buried alive would be in the list. Coz I know as it remain on a top position of my list.
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