The Lady in Red
25 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** After making a major announcement on his highly rated TV talk show "Revelations" about the release of his new book "Ted Mayne Reviled" about the scores of women he had affairs with over the years Ted Mayne, Geraldo Rivera, should have known better to get himself an army of bodyguards to prevent himself from getting murdered. Instead Mayne like the sleaze ball that he is just lapped up all the publicity that the contents that his book gave him and ended up, not surprisingly, with knife stuck in his chest by possibly one the many women whom he had an affair with! There were so many people who had a good reason to do Mayne in that it would have taken everyone, man woman dog & cat, in entire city of Denver's white pages telephone book to be interviewed by the police in being a suspect in Mayne's murder!

As things turned out the person arrested for murdering Ted Mayne turned out to be action-adventure TV actress Roxanne Shields, Amy Steel. Roxanne was so upset about Mayne revealing his affair with her in his book that in a fit of anger she threatened, while being interviewed on the TV news, to stick a knife in his heart if she ever runs into to him. With the person seen entering Mayne's penthouse the night of his murder described as wearing a red dress which Roxanne admittedly wore that evening and smelling from the strong perfume "Roxanne" that Roxanne advertises she thus turned out to be the prime suspect of the dozens of women who were suspected in Mayne's murder!

With Roxanne now in danger of ending up behind bars for life she gets top Denver defense attorney Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, to take her case. Perry checking out all the facts in the case soon uncovers a number of clues that would eliminate Roxanne in being Mayne's murderer. The biggest and most important one being the perfume "Roxanne" that she supposedly wore at the scene of the crime. It turns out that Roxanne is so allergic to perfume that she can't even be in the same room with a woman wearing it without breaking out all over!

Perry goes through a whole montage of the late super stud Ted Mayne's "sexual conquests" from the widow of a late United States Senator Nora Turner, Anjanette Comer, who's husband was killed in an airplane crash to his own show's producer Brenda Kingsley, Priscilla Barnes, who had the entire world known about her affair with Mayne on live TV as she was producing his show! Perry hits pay-dirt when he spots a photo,taken with a hidden camera, in Mayne's book of him making out with Mary Singer,Leslie Wing, that really showed what a low life swine, if any more proof was needed, he really was. Not only did Mayne blow Mary's cover in the witness protection program that she and her husband were in but showed that he was even cheating on his fiancée Laura Rand, Mary-Margaret Holmes, whom he promised that his wild life of bedding down women was now history!

***SPOILERS*** It took a lot of work on Perry's part but eventually he broke the murder case wide open in him breaking down the women, who killed Mayne, on the witness stand. Of all the scores of women Mayne not only two timed but also exposed his affairs with them,in his tell all book, this was one woman who just about had enough of him and took matters into her own hands! And with that put "sex machine" Ted Mayne's life of non-stop bed hopping and womanizing to a final and bloody end!
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