Freeze Frame (2004)
Some terrific edgy ideas stretched thin, with nice video layering
18 January 2011
Freeze Frame (2004)

An intensely visual movie about a man who tries to protect himself from police accusations by filming everything second of his existence after being acquitted for a crime he never, apparently, committed. The constant switching from omniscient filming to all kinds of video and web cam views of events makes watching it a constant game. And the lead character, indeed all the main characters, are terrific actors, so the growing thriller is actually thrilling.

There is a sameness to the events after awhile, though, the plot leaning a bit much on the editing and camera-work to succeed, which might seem excellent at first but you end up craving some psychology to make a turn, or some actually new kind of plot twist to take over. It ends with a predictably sensational climax, with some surprise camera footage of the events, and even this is stretched a bit thin.

Curious and visual enough for a look, though, certainly.
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